

The ministry of the Christian Discipleship Center is carried on by missionaries or volunteer staff with their own source of income enabling them to serve on this mission field.   All staff must read and sign their agreement with the Statement of Faith, Biblical Model of Alcoholism Treatment, and the Principles and Procedures Manual.
Especially necessary in this cross-cultural ministry is sensitivity to the Native culture and appreciation for their values and ways of thinking. Staff need to be loving, adaptable, patient, and earnest in their communication of the Word of God. Above all they must be living examples of disciples who follow their Lord and depend on His Holy Spirit for the power to live joyful, holy lives. Native people learn most of all by example, and those with broken lives especially need someone who will come alongside and help with grace and mercy and model the victorious life!
The following staff positions await someone with the Lord’s call and gifts:
  • Men’s Counselor
  • Bible Teacher
  • Maintenance Man
  • Cook
The ministry of the Christian Discipleship Center would be most effective if the Lord would lead Native Christian men and women to serve full-time in our recovery programs. Their own life experiences and the ability to relate to their own people are advantages that cannot be duplicated by missionaries from the American culture.
If you are a believer who is interested in one of the above positions, please read the Bible Standards page, which includes the Statement of Faith and Biblical Model of Alcoholism Treatment. Upon agreement with these, please E-mail our director, Joe Mehesy at for an introductory questionnaire or call the office number below. Thank you.
Short-term opportunities for churches and/or individuals are described below in our Partnership section for those interested.


The Christian Discipleship Center is an independent, faith-based mission looking to God for its direction and provision. Our staff are committed to the vision that every life is precious to God, and that His mercy and grace can reclaim many for His glory from the bondage of addiction.
We are looking for ministry partners who love the Lord and are burdened to see God accomplish His purposes through CDC! Most of all, we desire earnest, daily intercessory prayer, because we are fighting the spiritual darkness and strongholds that Satan has established in human hearts. Sinful habits and attitudes that result from a life-dominating pattern of drunkenness are difficult to break and overcome. It takes nothing less than God’s mighty power as men and women respond with true hearts to His Word in obedient discipleship!
Also, the Center has financial needs which can only be met by regular or special gifts from the Lord’s people. Native men can go to many secular or tribal rehabilitation programs for free, since these institutions receive government funds. If we are to remain a unique, Christ-centered ministry, we cannot rely on that source of funding, but only on believers in the body of Christ whose hearts are touched and directed by God.   Please pray and consider what you might do to help us, and contact us at
Would you like to help support the ministry of the Christian Discipleship Center? If so, and for your convenience, we now accept payment using PayPal. We thank you for your blessings and prayers and look forward to a continued partnership.